In the Python data ecosystem, Pandas has long been the de facto library for data manipulation and analysis. However, a relatively new library called Polars is gaining attention for its speed, memory efficiency, and advanced features like lazy evaluation. Polars uses Apache Arrow under the hood and is written in Rust, providing a modern columnar engine that can outperform Pandas in many scenarios.
In this article, we’ll walk through:
- What Polars is and the core idea behind it
- Our performance test setup
- Benchmark results comparing Pandas and Polars
- Conclusions and when to consider each library
What Is Polars?
Polars is a fast, multi-threaded DataFrame library designed to leverage columnar data processing. Its core advantages include:
- Columnar memory layout: This design can lead to faster queries and lower memory usage.
- Lazy execution: Polars can optimize query plans before actually running them.
- Rust-based: Polars is written in Rust, providing performance and safety.
- Arrow integration: It uses Apache Arrow memory format, making it easy to interoperate with other Arrow-based tools.
Because of these features, Polars can handle large datasets more efficiently than Pandas in many cases.
Also, it’s also pretty similar to Pandas in structure and syntax, and you can convert Polars DataFrames to Pandas (and vice versa) without much hassle.
Test Setup
Hardware & Environment
- Hardware: Typical laptop/desktop with multiple cores and sufficient RAM
- Software: Python 3.9+ (Polars supports older versions, too), Pandas 1.x, Polars latest version
- Operating System: Tested on Linux/Mac/Windows (depending on your environment)
Data Generation
We generated synthetic data for four dataset sizes:
- 10,000 rows
- 1,000,000 rows
- 10,000,000 rows
- 100,000,000 rows
Each dataset includes:
: floating-point columns (Gaussian random)integer
: an integer column with random values between 0 and 99category
: a categorical column with valuesA
, orC
Operations Tested
- Filter: Select rows based on a condition (
numeric1 > 0
). - Select: Select two columns and force materialization by summing them (so we actually measure real work).
- GroupBy: Group by the categorical column and compute mean, sum, and max on different numeric columns.
- Join (only for data sizes below 50,000 to prevent memory issues): Perform an inner join on a generated key.
Code Overview
The code is organized into these sections:
- Data generation
- Operation functions (Pandas vs Polars)
- Benchmark execution with a timer decorator
- Results analysis and printing a summary
- Visualization (plots saved in
Code is included in the end
Results & Plots
Below is the final summary of the benchmark, followed by some plots illustrating the performance. Note that the join operation was skipped for data sizes larger than 50,000 rows, so it’s only reflected in the smallest dataset (10,000 rows).
Benchmark Summary
Operation | Pandas (s) | Polars (s) | Speedup | Winner
Filter | 0.001773 | 0.003143 | 0.56 | Pandas
GroupBy | 0.005679 | 0.003496 | 1.62 | Polars
Join | 1.969916 | 0.143235 | 13.75 | Polars
Select | 0.003076 | 0.001214 | 2.53 | Polars
Operations where Polars wins: 3
Operations where Pandas wins: 1
Operation | Pandas (s) | Polars (s) | Speedup | Winner
Filter | 0.027700 | 0.016381 | 1.69 | Polars
GroupBy | 0.081032 | 0.051752 | 1.57 | Polars
Select | 0.016906 | 0.001551 | 10.90 | Polars
Operations where Polars wins: 3
Operations where Pandas wins: 0
Operation | Pandas (s) | Polars (s) | Speedup | Winner
Filter | 0.182068 | 0.049499 | 3.68 | Polars
GroupBy | 0.562881 | 0.065699 | 8.57 | Polars
Select | 0.098851 | 0.016809 | 5.88 | Polars
Operations where Polars wins: 3
Operations where Pandas wins: 0
RESULTS FOR 100,000,000 ROWS
Operation | Pandas (s) | Polars (s) | Speedup | Winner
Filter | 2.050741 | 0.714646 | 2.87 | Polars
GroupBy | 4.858952 | 1.035741 | 4.69 | Polars
Select | 0.937131 | 0.097260 | 9.64 | Polars
Operations where Polars wins: 3
Operations where Pandas wins: 0
Total operations where Polars wins: 12
Total operations where Pandas wins: 1
From these numbers:
- Polars consistently outperforms Pandas in GroupBy and Select operations.
- Filter is sometimes faster in Pandas for small datasets, but Polars overtakes Pandas for larger data sizes.
- For Join (at 10,000 rows), Polars is significantly faster.
Below are some sample plots that illustrate these results. Each figure was generated automatically by the benchmark script.
Bar Chart for 10,000 Rows

- Filter is slightly faster in Pandas (0.56× speedup vs Polars).
- GroupBy, Join, Select are all faster in Polars, with Join showing a huge 13.75× advantage.
Bar Chart for 1,000,000 Rows

- Filter and GroupBy are around 1.6–1.7× faster in Polars.
- Select is 10.90× faster in Polars, reflecting the efficiency of columnar operations.
Bar Chart for 10,000,000 Rows

- Filter is 3.68× faster in Polars.
- GroupBy sees an 8.57× advantage.
- Select is nearly 6× faster.
Bar Chart for 100,000,000 Rows

- Filter is about 2.87× faster in Polars.
- GroupBy is 4.69× faster.
- Select sees a 9.64× speedup.
As we can see, Polars clearly dominates as data size grows.
Heatmap of Speedup Factors

Here, we have a heatmap where we can see the speedup factor per different task per different size ( Join only done for 10,000 datasets due to the memory restriction)
Scaling of the Select Operation

The bar charts show absolute execution times for Pandas vs Polars at each data size, while the heatmap visualizes the speedup factor (Pandas time / Polars time). The scaling chart illustrates how execution time grows with data size, often on a log scale for clarity.
Polars demonstrates clear performance gains over Pandas for medium and large datasets, especially for group-by and column selection. For smaller datasets (10,000 rows), Pandas can occasionally be faster in simpler operations like filtering, but Polars still shows advantages in more complex tasks like joins and large-scale aggregations.
When to Use Polars vs Pandas
Use Polars if:
- You deal with large datasets (millions to hundreds of millions of rows)
- You need multi-threading or lazy evaluation optimizations
- You prefer or need a Rust-based, modern columnar engine
Use Pandas if:
- You already have a stable Pandas-based workflow or rely on libraries deeply integrated with Pandas
- Your data is relatively small, and performance is acceptable
- You need Pandas-specific features or older code relies on Pandas APIs
Both libraries have their place. For Python data engineers and data scientists looking to optimize performance, Polars is an excellent addition to the toolbox, offering significant speedups and efficient memory usage at scale.
Here you can see the code if you want to modify it or run it yourself
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl
import numpy as np
import time
import os
import gc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from functools import wraps
# =========================================================================
# Pandas vs Polars Performance Benchmark Suite
# =========================================================================
# This script performs comprehensive benchmarking between Pandas and Polars,
# two popular DataFrame libraries for Python. It compares performance across
# several common operations (filtering, column selection, groupby aggregation,
# and joins) on datasets of various sizes.
# The benchmark:
# 1. Generates test data of configurable sizes
# 2. Times identical operations in both libraries
# 3. Calculates speedup ratios
# 4. Creates visualizations of the results
# 5. Outputs a detailed summary
# =========================================================================
# Create output directories if they don't exist
os.makedirs("benchmark_results", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("benchmark_results/plots", exist_ok=True)
# Set consistent visualization style for better readability'ggplot')
sns.set_palette("Set2") # Using a color-blind friendly palette
# Global join threshold
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Timer Decorator for Benchmarking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def timer(func):
Decorator that measures function execution time with proper memory management.
Ensures accurate timing by:
1. Forcing garbage collection before timing starts
2. Capturing start and end times with high precision using perf_counter
3. Forcing garbage collection after execution completes
tuple: (function_result, execution_time_in_seconds)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.perf_counter()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
execution_time = end_time - start_time
return result, execution_time
return wrapper
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data Generation
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def generate_data(size):
numeric_data1 = np.random.randn(size)
numeric_data2 = np.random.randn(size) * 10
# Ensure the integer column is int64
integers = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=size).astype('int64')
categories = ['A', 'B', 'C']
categorical_data = np.random.choice(categories, size=size)
df_pandas = pd.DataFrame({
'numeric1': numeric_data1,
'numeric2': numeric_data2,
'integer': integers,
'category': categorical_data
df_polars = pl.from_pandas(df_pandas)
return df_pandas, df_polars
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Benchmark Operations
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def pandas_filter(df):
"""Filter rows in Pandas where numeric1 > 0."""
return df[df['numeric1'] > 0]
def polars_filter(df):
"""Filter rows in Polars where numeric1 > 0."""
return df.filter(pl.col('numeric1') > 0)
def pandas_select(df):
Select two columns in Pandas and force materialization
by computing a sum of those columns.
selected = df[['numeric1', 'numeric2']]
# Force actual computation
sums = selected.sum()
return sums
def polars_select(df):
Select two columns in Polars and force materialization
by computing a sum of those columns.
selected =['numeric1', 'numeric2'])
# Force actual computation
sums = selected.sum()
return sums
def pandas_groupby_agg(df):
"""Group by category and perform multiple aggregations in Pandas."""
return df.groupby('category').agg({
'numeric1': 'mean',
'numeric2': 'sum',
'integer': 'max'
def polars_groupby_agg(df):
"""Group by category and perform multiple aggregations in Polars."""
return df.group_by('category').agg([
def pandas_join(df1, df2, threshold=JOIN_THRESHOLD):
Perform a join operation in Pandas only if both DataFrames are smaller than threshold.
For large datasets, the join is skipped to avoid memory issues.
if len(df1) >= threshold or len(df2) >= threshold:
print("Skipping Pandas join: one or both DataFrames exceed the threshold size.")
return pd.DataFrame() # Return an empty DataFrame.
df1_sample = df1.copy()
df2_sample = df2.copy()
df1_sample['key'] = df1_sample['integer'] % 10
df2_sample['key'] = df2_sample['integer'] % 10
return df1_sample.merge(df2_sample, on='key')
def polars_join(df1, df2, threshold=JOIN_THRESHOLD):
Perform a join operation in Polars only if both DataFrames are smaller than threshold.
For large datasets, the join is skipped to prevent memory crashes.
if len(df1) >= threshold or len(df2) >= threshold:
print("Skipping Polars join: one or both DataFrames exceed the threshold size.")
return pl.DataFrame({col: [] for col in df1.columns})
# Drop any pre-existing "key" column
if "key" in df1.columns:
df1 = df1.drop("key")
if "key" in df2.columns:
df2 = df2.drop("key")
# Create key expression with explicit casts:
key_expr = ((pl.col("integer").cast(pl.Int64) % pl.lit(10, dtype=pl.Int64))
df1_sample = df1.with_columns([key_expr])
df2_sample = df2.with_columns([key_expr])
return df1_sample.join(df2_sample, on="key", how="inner")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Benchmark Execution
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_benchmarks():
Execute the full benchmark suite across multiple data sizes and operations.
The benchmark compares Pandas and Polars on:
- Filtering
- Column selection (with forced materialization)
- GroupBy aggregation
- Join operations (skipped for sizes > JOIN_THRESHOLD)
list: Results containing timing and speedup data for all operations
data_sizes = [10_000, 1_000_000, 10_000_000, 100_000_000] # Adjust as needed.
all_results = []
for size in data_sizes:
print(f"\n=== Running benchmarks for {size:,} rows ===")
pandas_df, polars_df = generate_data(size)
# Define the operations; note that join operations are defined separately.
operations = [
('Filter', pandas_filter, polars_filter, pandas_df, polars_df),
('Select', pandas_select, polars_select, pandas_df, polars_df),
('GroupBy', pandas_groupby_agg, polars_groupby_agg, pandas_df, polars_df)
# Run non-join operations
for op in operations:
op_name, pandas_func, polars_func, pd_arg, pl_arg = op
_, pandas_time = pandas_func(pd_arg)
_, polars_time = polars_func(pl_arg)
min_time = 1e-8
polars_time_safe = max(polars_time, min_time)
speedup = pandas_time / polars_time_safe if polars_time != 0 else float('inf')
display_speedup = min(speedup, 1000) if speedup != float('inf') else 1000
winner = "Polars" if speedup > 1 else "Pandas"
print(f"\n{op_name} - {size:,} rows:")
print(f" Pandas: {pandas_time:.6f} seconds")
print(f" Polars: {polars_time:.6f} seconds")
print(f" Ratio: {display_speedup:.2f}x → {winner} is faster")
'Operation': op_name,
'Size': size,
'Pandas Time': pandas_time,
'Polars Time': polars_time,
'Original Speedup': speedup,
'Speedup': display_speedup
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error running {op_name} benchmark: {str(e)}")
# Run join operations only if size is within threshold.
if size <= JOIN_THRESHOLD:
print(f"\nJoin - {size:,} rows:")
_, pandas_time = pandas_join(pandas_df, pandas_df)
_, polars_time = polars_join(polars_df, polars_df)
min_time = 1e-8
polars_time_safe = max(polars_time, min_time)
speedup = pandas_time / polars_time_safe if polars_time != 0 else float('inf')
display_speedup = min(speedup, 1000) if speedup != float('inf') else 1000
winner = "Polars" if speedup > 1 else "Pandas"
print(f" Pandas: {pandas_time:.6f} seconds")
print(f" Polars: {polars_time:.6f} seconds")
print(f" Ratio: {display_speedup:.2f}x → {winner} is faster")
'Operation': 'Join',
'Size': size,
'Pandas Time': pandas_time,
'Polars Time': polars_time,
'Original Speedup': speedup,
'Speedup': display_speedup
print(f"\nSkipping join benchmark for {size:,} rows as it exceeds the threshold.")
pandas_df = None
polars_df = None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error generating data for size {size}: {str(e)}")
return all_results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Results Analysis and Reporting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_summary(results):
Analyze benchmark results and generate a comprehensive summary.
Creates both console output and a detailed text file report organizing
results by data size and operation type.
results (list): Benchmark results from run_benchmarks()
pandas.DataFrame: Processed results in DataFrame format for further analysis
if not results:
print("No benchmark results to summarize")
return None
df_results = pd.DataFrame(results)
print("\n======= BENCHMARK SUMMARY =======\n")
for size in sorted(df_results['Size'].unique()):
size_results = df_results[df_results['Size'] == size]
print(f"\n--- Results for {size:,} rows ---")
print(f"{'Operation':<10} | {'Pandas (s)':<12} | {'Polars (s)':<12} | {'Speedup':<10} | {'Winner'}")
print("-" * 70)
for _, result in size_results.sort_values('Operation').iterrows():
pandas_time = result['Pandas Time']
polars_time = result['Polars Time']
speedup = result['Speedup']
original_speedup = result['Original Speedup']
winner = "Polars" if original_speedup > 1 else "Pandas"
speedup_text = f"{speedup:.2f}" if original_speedup < 1000 else ">1000"
print(f"{result['Operation']:<10} | {pandas_time:<12.6f} | {polars_time:<12.6f} | {speedup_text:<10} | {winner}")
wins_polars = (size_results['Original Speedup'] > 1).sum()
wins_pandas = len(size_results) - wins_polars
print("-" * 70)
print(f"Operations where Polars wins: {wins_polars}")
print(f"Operations where Pandas wins: {wins_pandas}")
with open('benchmark_results/summary.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write("=" * 50 + "\n\n")
for size in sorted(df_results['Size'].unique()):
size_results = df_results[df_results['Size'] == size]
f.write(f"\nRESULTS FOR {size:,} ROWS\n")
f.write("-" * 50 + "\n")
f.write(f"{'Operation':<10} | {'Pandas (s)':<12} | {'Polars (s)':<12} | {'Speedup':<10} | {'Winner'}\n")
f.write("-" * 70 + "\n")
for _, result in size_results.sort_values('Operation').iterrows():
pandas_time = result['Pandas Time']
polars_time = result['Polars Time']
speedup = result['Speedup']
original_speedup = result['Original Speedup']
winner = "Polars" if original_speedup > 1 else "Pandas"
speedup_text = f"{speedup:.2f}" if original_speedup < 1000 else ">1000"
f.write(f"{result['Operation']:<10} | {pandas_time:<12.6f} | {polars_time:<12.6f} | {speedup_text:<10} | {winner}\n")
wins_polars = (size_results['Original Speedup'] > 1).sum()
wins_pandas = len(size_results) - wins_polars
f.write("-" * 70 + "\n")
f.write(f"Operations where Polars wins: {wins_polars}\n")
f.write(f"Operations where Pandas wins: {wins_pandas}\n")
print("\n=== OVERALL CONCLUSIONS ===")
wins_polars_overall = (df_results['Original Speedup'] > 1).sum()
wins_pandas_overall = len(df_results) - wins_polars_overall
print(f"Total operations where Polars wins: {wins_polars_overall}")
print(f"Total operations where Pandas wins: {wins_pandas_overall}")
with open('benchmark_results/summary.txt', 'a') as f:
f.write("\n\n=== OVERALL CONCLUSIONS ===\n")
f.write(f"Total operations where Polars wins: {wins_polars_overall}\n")
f.write(f"Total operations where Pandas wins: {wins_pandas_overall}\n")
return df_results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualization Generation
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_improved_visualizations(results_df):
Create a comprehensive set of visualizations from benchmark results.
1. Bar charts comparing operation times for each data size.
2. A heatmap of speedup factors.
3. Summary charts of average speedup by data size (linear and log scale).
4. Line charts showing performance scaling per operation.
results_df (pandas.DataFrame): Benchmark results in DataFrame format
if results_df.empty:
print("No results to visualize")
min_time_threshold = 0.0001 # 0.1 millisecond minimum
# 1. Bar charts for each data size
for size in results_df['Size'].unique():
size_df = results_df[results_df['Size'] == size]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
operations = size_df['Operation'].tolist()
pandas_times = size_df['Pandas Time'].tolist()
polars_times_raw = size_df['Polars Time'].tolist()
polars_times_display = [max(t, min_time_threshold) for t in polars_times_raw]
x = np.arange(len(operations))
width = 0.35 - width/2, pandas_times, width, label='Pandas') + width/2, polars_times_display, width, label='Polars')
for i, (p_time, pl_time_display, pl_time_raw) in enumerate(zip(pandas_times, polars_times_display, polars_times_raw)):
speedup_row = size_df.iloc[i]
speedup = speedup_row['Speedup']
speedup_text = f'{speedup:.1f}x' if speedup < 1000 else ">1000x"
y_pos = max(p_time, pl_time_display) * 1.1
plt.text(i, y_pos, speedup_text, ha='center', fontweight='bold', fontsize=11)
# Optionally, annotate exact times on the bars (uncomment if desired):
# plt.text(i - width/2, p_time / 2, f'{p_time:.4f}s', ha='center', va='center',
# color='white', fontweight='bold', fontsize=9)
# plt.text(i + width/2, pl_time_display / 2, f'{pl_time_raw:.4f}s', ha='center', va='center',
# color='white', fontweight='bold', fontsize=9)
plt.xlabel('Operation', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)', fontsize=12)
plt.title(f'Pandas vs Polars - {size:,} rows', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.xticks(x, operations, fontsize=11)
plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.3)
plt.savefig(f'benchmark_results/plots/barchart_{size}.png', dpi=300)
# 2. Heatmap of speedup factors
pivot_df = results_df.pivot(index='Operation', columns='Size', values='Speedup')
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
hm = sns.heatmap(pivot_df,, cbar_kws={'label': 'Speedup Factor (Pandas/Polars)'})
for i in range(len(pivot_df.index)):
for j in range(len(pivot_df.columns)):
value = pivot_df.iloc[i, j]
text = ">1000x" if value >= 1000 else f"{value:.1f}x"
text_color = "white" if value > 5 else "black"
hm.text(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, text, ha="center", va="center", color=text_color)
plt.title('Speedup Factors: Pandas/Polars Ratio', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel('Data Size (rows)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Operation', fontsize=12)
plt.xticks(ticks=np.arange(len(pivot_df.columns)) + 0.5,
labels=[f'{int(size):,}' for size in pivot_df.columns], fontsize=10)
plt.savefig('benchmark_results/plots/heatmap_speedup.png', dpi=300)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error creating heatmap: {str(e)}")
# 3. Summary bar charts for average speedup by data size
avg_by_size = results_df.groupby('Size')['Speedup'].mean().reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sizes_formatted = [f'{int(size):,}' for size in avg_by_size['Size']], avg_by_size['Speedup'], color='#3498db', width=0.7)
plt.axhline(y=1, color='black', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
for i, speedup in enumerate(avg_by_size['Speedup']):
text = ">1000x" if speedup >= 1000 else f"{speedup:.1f}x"
plt.text(i, speedup * 1.05, text, ha='center', color='#2c3e50', fontweight='bold', fontsize=11)
plt.xlabel('Data Size (rows)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Average Speedup Factor (Pandas/Polars)', fontsize=12)
plt.title('Average Performance Advantage of Polars by Data Size', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.3)
plt.savefig('benchmark_results/plots/average_speedup.png', dpi=300)
# Log-scale version
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)), avg_by_size['Speedup'], color='#3498db', width=0.7)
plt.axhline(y=1, color='black', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
for i, speedup in enumerate(avg_by_size['Speedup']):
text = ">1000x" if speedup >= 1000 else f"{speedup:.1f}x"
y_pos = speedup * 1.2
plt.text(i, y_pos, text, ha='center', color='#2c3e50', fontweight='bold', fontsize=11)
plt.xlabel('Data Size (rows)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Average Speedup Factor (log scale)', fontsize=12)
plt.title('Average Performance Advantage of Polars by Data Size (Log Scale)', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.3)
plt.savefig('benchmark_results/plots/average_speedup_log.png', dpi=300)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error creating summary bar charts: {str(e)}")
# 4. Line charts showing performance scaling per operation
operations = results_df['Operation'].unique()
for operation in operations:
op_df = results_df[results_df['Operation'] == operation]
if len(op_df) < 2:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
sizes = op_df['Size'].tolist()
pandas_times = op_df['Pandas Time'].tolist()
polars_times_raw = op_df['Polars Time'].tolist()
polars_times_display = [max(t, min_time_threshold) for t in polars_times_raw]
sizes_formatted = [f'{int(size):,}' for size in sizes]
plt.plot(sizes_formatted, pandas_times, 'o-', label='Pandas', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
plt.plot(sizes_formatted, polars_times_display, 'o-', label='Polars', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
for i, speedup in enumerate(op_df['Speedup']):
speedup_text = f'{speedup:.1f}x' if speedup < 1000 else ">1000x"
y_pos = max(pandas_times[i], polars_times_display[i]) * 1.15
plt.annotate(speedup_text, xy=(sizes_formatted[i], y_pos), ha='center', va='bottom',
fontweight='bold', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.3", fc="white", ec="gray", alpha=0.8))
plt.xlabel('Data Size (rows)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)', fontsize=12)
plt.title(f'{operation} Performance Scaling', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
max_time = max(pandas_times + polars_times_display)
min_time = min(t for t in pandas_times + polars_times_display if t > 0)
if max_time / min_time > 5:
plt.ylabel('Time (seconds, log scale)', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig(f'benchmark_results/plots/scaling_{operation}.png', dpi=300)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Execution
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Starting Pandas vs Polars Benchmark with Visualizations")
print("=" * 60)
print("Comparing performance across DataFrame operations and data sizes")
print("This may take several minutes to complete, especially for larger datasets")
print("=" * 60)
results = run_benchmarks()
df_results = print_summary(results)
if df_results is not None:
print("Skipping visualizations due to no valid results")
print("\nBenchmark completed!")
print("Results summary saved to 'benchmark_results/summary.txt'")
print("Visualizations saved to 'benchmark_results/plots/' directory (if generated)")
print("\nTo analyze these results further or create custom visualizations,")
print("the raw benchmark data is available in the returned DataFrame (if successful)")